Word of the Day: Moira

  January 4, 2018: moira \ MOI-ruh \  noun; 1. (among ancient Greeks) A person’s fate or destiny. 2. Classical Mythology. ( initial capital letter) a. The personification of fate. b. Moirai, the Fates.   Stewart arrived at the bar early, which according to all the articles he had read and all of his friends, was […]

Villager of the Day: Admiral

Today’s villager is Admiral, who, I am ashamed to say, is not a duck. He is, infact, a bird, the Animal Crossing wiki tells me. As, I think, all the “birds” characters are — nondescript avian creatures of some sort. I was right about the grumpy part though. Admiral’s catchphrase is “aye, aye” which is a […]